Expansive grounds will feature sports fields, mountain bike courses, inline-skating
tracks as well as secure walking and jogging paths, all in a healthy and natural environment.
The exciting airsports of hang
gliding and paragliding will practice and train on site. By launching from this first of its kind structure or being
towed to altitude, pilots and students will become flying advertisement for the facility. Learn from the pros on site or, with
the use of helmet cams, experience the thrill of flight from your own living room.
The world-class rock climbing arena will capitalize on the growing popularity of this sport and provide a breathtaking
facility that will attract competitors from around the globe. With live trees, boulders and pinnacles in a natural, landscaped
setting, the climbing arena will set new standards for indoor climbing.
Water sports will dominate the core of the Paradome, featuring a Northwest sporting favorite: sea kayaking. Combined with retail
sales, realistic indoor training and guided tours, the Paradome will become a regional kayaking center. The extraordinary
indoor river will bring the thrill of white water kayaking to clients as well. Make a run down the rapids a new part of your
fitness program, or introduce the family to a new and fun sport. Practice for the next family kayaking adventure or test the latest equipment right in the Paradome.
Indoor windsurfing has become a popular competition sport in Europe. The controlled conditions in the water sports center will
make training for wind surfing something anyone can do. Newly acquired skills can be used in the Puget Sound or Columbia Gorge
with rental equipment from the Paradome.
Certified scuba diving instruction and advanced training will draw interest from around the Northwest and expose people to the
wonders of the underwater world. Swim through submerged aquariums of tropical fish and practice
habitat training for your next trip to the Caribbean. While you extend your scuba skills, the rest of the family can
experience the exhilarating wave machine and waterslides in the water sports arena.