

Model Pictures


Health and Fitness

Retail Services






Retail sales within the Paradome will offer the finest in sporting gear, outdoor equipment and service from over 15 different independent businesses. Pro shops, recreational outfitting, nutrition and weight loss programs, beauty salons, sports medicine are just some of the services that will be offered. Travel services, guided tours, rental equipment and childcare are some of the other possibilities.

The spacious food court will be the social hub the Paradome with health-oriented dining and views of the expansive climbing arena and entertainment auditorium. The cyber café will provide Internet access as well as access to an extensive fitness and training instruction database. Virtual reality arcade, skate park and adventure camp will provide healthy fun for the younger crowd, while a unique virtual reality sports bar will provide adults with after-hours entertainment.

Site Contents Copyright 1999© The Paradome

Site designed by
Jennifer Bahneman
February 22, 2001